Monday, March 28, 2011

Flashmob is getting closer!

Please note the dates for Next Flashmob rehearsals: 
-          Saturday 2nd April 2011 from 2:00 to 4:00 pm at Sanepa International Club. 
         Those who want to continue practice can do so.
-          Friday 8th April 2011 from 5:30 pm to 6:30pm, same venue

Congratulations to all the dancers who came from different organizations and made the first rehearsal a success!

Thank you to all the organizations that are fully engaged in making this a historic event in Kathmandu Valley:
Animal Nepal (20 dancers including from Ama Ghar and Saathi), Center for Mental Health and Counselling Nepal (5 dancers),
Chhimeki Sanstha Nepal (30 dancers),
Classical dance (6 dancers),
Minergy/VSBK (18 dancers),
Next Generation Nepal (6 dancers),
Terre des hommes Foundation (19 dancers),
Salsa Dance Academy (30 dancers).
In total we were 120 dancers last Saturday!  Congratulations to all for your learning efforts!  You may not see how beautiful this is from the outside but believe me, this is already very impressive!

A huge thank you to our four choreographers:  Marie, Sheli, Katia and Renaire for their fantastic work.  They are very generous with their time and we admire their energy and commitment!  We could not have dreamed of a better team!

Please note that dancer registration for the first 8 dances of the flashmob is now CLOSED.  Late comers can still register for the last dance but they will have to show up on time on April 2nd (2:00 pm at Sanepa Club), and attend last rehearsal and of course on Event Day.See you all on 2nd April and do not forget to bring some water and a hat if the sun is shining.

If you have any questions or would like to rehearse in the meantime, please contact and/or

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Brick by Brick Event

Welcome to the "Brick by Brick" event page!

We are a group of social wokers, teachers, health workers, environmentalists, child rights activists, animal rights activists, promoters of social responsible business practices from different organisations working in the brick kilns of Kathmandu Valley (Lalitpur, Bhaktapur, Tankot).

All these organisations have different concerns, but one same goal: making the brick industry a socially responsible one. This will benefit the workers, the entrepreneurs but also all people living in the Kathmandu Valley!

The problems seen in the kilns are numerous; child abuse, child labour, animal abuse, bad health and sanitary conditions, ecological problems due to the smoke of the chimneys, nutrition, salary problems,... and this list is not exhaustive.

One way to improve the situation is to educate consumers (those who buy bricks) about detrimental effects of "regular" brick making and to promote the buying of "clean and green" bricks. This event will clearly explain why you need to buy clean bricks and how.

WHEN: 9th April 2011
WHERE: Jawalakhel  football ground (accessfrom the zoo)

WHAT:  from 4:00 pm
- Photo exhibition by Achinto Bhadra
- Flash mob (See below if you don't know what it is!)
- The Domino Effect, a visual performance using bricks
- Live Music
- "Every Brick Has a Story", art performance by Karl Knapp

  And this is where you come in!
you want to dance?
you want to have fun?
 join the flashmob, and be quick to register your name, place is limited!

There will be 2 rehearsals, on the 26th March, and  2nd April.

What is a flashmob? 
Here is an example: .

The concept is simple: it's Saturday afternoon on a big busy square in Kathmandu. All of a sudden, music comes out from loudspeakers in the four corners of the square.  One person starts dancing on a tune, in the middle of an unsuspecting public... soon joined by two other dancers, three, ten, then 50 and a 100!

"Organise, congregate, act, disperse" -- that is the anatomy of a flash mob.  Flash as in “quick” (quick to arrive and quick to go) and "mob" as in “lots of people”.

How long will I dance for? for the ones starting from the beginning: 5 minutes. Others will join in the middle or towards the end.

Please choose from the following options depending on your availability and dancing level.

All you have to do to register is sending an email with your name, cellphone number, team colour and number (see above), at and we will give you further details!